Buddhist activist Ken Jones dies

Buddhist activist, poet, teacher and author Ken Jones (1930-2015) passed away on August 2 2015.

Lion’s Roar
7 August 2015
ken jones, engaged buddhism, news, death, lion's roar
Ken Jones, 1930-2015.

The Welsh Buddhist activist, poet, and teacher, Ken Jones (1930-2015) passed away on August 2nd. In his farewell message to Gaia House this year he spoke about his prostate cancer.

Jones was an important voice in socially engaged Buddhism and was the founder and later president of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhists and a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. He published widely and was the author of The Social Face of Buddhism, Everyday Buddhism and The New Social Face of Buddhism. He taught at the Western Chan Fellowship and was an accomplished haiku and haibun poet.

His final years were spent in Wales with his Irish wife, Noragh.

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