Acharya Samaneti

Acharya Samaneti is a prison spiritual care worker, philosopher, lover of the written word and seeker of truth. The contemplative life called him very early in his life; an only child, Samaneti found comfort in silence, reflection, and personal inquiry. Samaneti wishes to bear witness to the universality of suffering and actions of love that awaken hearts. This mission leads him to work with incarcerated people and other marginalized populations.

Recent Articles

Copies of the book The Inner Path: An Introduction to Buddhist Practice for Those in Prison are seen.

Read “How To Build an Altar in a Cell” from The Inner Path: An Introduction to Buddhist Practice for Those in Prison

Learn about the origins and motivation behind Acharya Samaneti's new dharma book for the incarcerated, read an excerpt, and find ways that you can help support efforts to get books to prisoners.