Buddhist Wisdom

No Self, No Suffering

Melvin McLeod breaks down the Buddha’s four noble truths and argues it’s not only the ultimate self-help formula, but the best guide to helping others and benefiting the world.

Melvin McLeod


Image of Buddha covered with roots in Thailand.

Is Buddhism about ethics or enlightenment?

Bhante Sumano, Jisho Sara Siebert, and Gaylon Ferguson explore the meaning of ethics and enlightenment on the Buddhist path.

How to Break the Chains of Thought

When you study your thought process, says Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, you not only see how it rules your life. In the breaks and gaps between thoughts, you can experience awakened mind on the spot.

Do Buddhas think?

Zen teacher Blanche Hartman, Tibetan teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and Insight teacher Narayan Helen Liebenson answer the question, "Do Buddhas think?"

1000-Armed Avalokitesvara Statue

Ask the Teachers: Why can’t I perceive bodhisattvas or deities?

Buddhism says that there are all kinds of beings out there—buddhas, bodhisattvas, deities—but I can't perceive them. How do I work with this discrepancy?

abortion, buddhadharma, lion's roar, buddhism, narayan helen liebenson, blanche hartman, tenzin wangyal rinpoche

Must one be a monk to attain enlightenment?

The teachers are asked whether it is necessary to be a monk to attain enlightenment.

How can I accept the suffering of others?

Three teachers are asked about coming to terms with the suffering of others.

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