Tara Brach

Tara Brach

Tara Brach is a meditation teacher, psychologist and author of several books including international bestselling Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion and Trusting the Gold. Her popular weekly podcast on emotional healing and spiritual awakening is downloaded 3 million times a month. Tara is founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and along with Jack Kornfield, leads the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP), serving participants from more than 50 countries around the world. tarabrach.com

Recent Articles

Uncover the Golden Buddha Within You

The gold of your true nature can get buried beneath fear and confusion, but it can never be tarnished. Tara Brach on how to trust your basic goodness.

Gaza and the Bodhisattva Path

Bodhisattvas vow to ease the world’s suffering, and nowhere is that more urgent than in Gaza. Buddhist teacher and psychologist Tara Brach looks at both the immediate need to stop the suffering and the dehumanizing of others that’s at the root of all conflicts like this.

What Is Love Asking From Us?

In Gaza, says Buddhist teacher Tara Brach, it is asking us to open our hearts fully to all the victims, all the harms, all the needs. Only then is there a real pathway to peace.

Dharma for a Traumatized World

The cause of our global suffering is forgetting that we belong to one another and to the earth. Tara Brach recommends four practices to nourish a sense of collective belonging.

The Healing Journey: Rosalie’s Story

*Trigger warning: The abuse Rosalie suffered is described graphically in this story.* As a child, Rosalie had been severely abused by her father. When he was drunk he’d climb into her bed at night and rub his body against hers until he climaxed. If she resisted him, he’d hit her and threaten her with worse.…