Editorial Submissions

Lion’s RoarBuddhadharma & lionsroar.com

Thank you for your interest in submitting your writing (or otherwise contributing) to us. We’re always looking to share new and diverse voices and welcome the chance to see and publish your work.

One important aspect of our mission is to produce content that represents a multitude of traditions, ages, abilities, and interests, with a progressive approach to matters of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, and physical challenges. Some people have commented that Buddhism, which is called The Middle Way, has historically been more like “The Upper-Middle Way” in the West. But like North America itself, Buddhists here are diverse, and we want to show and support that. The dharma, after all, is for everyone.

Lion’s Roar editors carefully read and consider each submission that we receive. Unfortunately, due to submission volume, Lion’s Roar can only respond to those submissions we’re interested in. We try to respond to submissions within eight weeks, but are not always able to do so. If you don’t hear back from us within six months, please feel free to take your submission elsewhere. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

Art submissions

Send art submissions to Andrew Glencross at [email protected]. If your artwork can be viewed online, send him a url. Otherwise, email him a small sample of low-resolution images. He will follow up with you directly if he sees a good fit with either of our publications. If you’d like to submit an article with specific images, please follow guidelines for written submissions (details above).

Editorial Submissions

If you’re interested in submitting your writing to Lion’s Roar magazine, please send an email to Sandi Rankaduwa at [email protected]

If you’re interested in submitting your writing to Buddhadharma, or lionsroar.com, please use the following form: