Alexander Gardner

Alexander Gardner

Alexander Gardner is executive director of The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation and director and chief editor of Treasury of Lives, an online bibliographic encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya.

Recent Articles

Open View, Solid Ground

Jamgon Kongtrul championed the view of rimay, recognizing the inherent value of all Buddhist teachings. But as Alex Gardner explains, he remained firmly loyal to his own tradition.

Book Briefs Winter 2010

Brief summaries of Buddhist books from Winter 2010.

Book Briefs: Fall 2010

Brief summaries of Buddhist books from Fall 2010.

Book Briefs Summer 2010

Briefs of Buddhist Books from Spring 2010.

Book Briefs – Winter 2009

Brief summaries of Buddhist books from the Winter 2009 issue of the Buddhadharma magazine.