Allyson Pimentel

Allyson Pimentel

Allyson Pimentel, EdD, is a psychologist and long-time practitioner of Insight Meditation. She teaches at InsightLA and is the director of Mindful USC at the University of California.

Recent Articles

The Joy of Interbeing

Gather around the table, says Allyson Pimentel. A holiday meal can fill your belly and heart — and even give you a taste of enlightenment.

Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy — What’s the Difference?

Sympathy is understanding someone’s misfortune, says Allyson Pimentel. Empathy is the ability to feel their pain, and compassion is taking action to help them.

Six Buddhist Sutras You Should Know

Sutras are ancient texts that are still deeply meaningful today. Six dharma teachers each unpack a beloved sutra.

Saborear la alegría

Cuando eres padre, tu corazón siempre está expuesto, a veces roto, a veces lleno de alegría. Para ayudarte a superar las etapas difíciles, dice la psicóloga y maestra de Insight Allyson Pimentel, puedes aprender a saborear los buenos momentos en la crianza de los hijos y en la vida.

Savor the Joy

When you’re a parent your heart is always on the line, sometimes broken, sometimes full of joy. To help you get through the tough parts, says psychologist and Insight teacher Allyson Pimentel, you can learn to savor the good times in parenting—and in life.