Moment by Moment Nirvana

In his new translation of Dogen’s Shobogenzo, Kazuaki Tanahashi explores why even a moment of meditation is a moment of enlightenment.

Kazuaki Tanahashi

Pain Is My Built-in Buddha

Bhikkhu Bodhi on the stern but eloquent teachings of chronic pain.

Bhikkhu Bodhi

Deep Dive

Power & The Practitioner

Buddhist practice, in the popular mind, is conceived of as gentle, even somewhat passive — yet it prizes and cultivates potent powers derived from both oneself and other sources. Join leading Buddhist teachers as they look closely at the powers that we cultivate in dharma practice, from the absolutely practical to the mysterious (and even the supernatural). <br /> <br />

A painting of a lotus flower with a flame in the center, in pink and purple

Cultivating the 5 Powers

Author, medical doctor, and Plum Village monastic Sister Dang Nghiem (a.k.a. “Sister D.”) talks about how her teacher Thich Nhat Hanh taught the “five strengths” — faith, diligence, mindfulness, concentration, and insight — and how we can harness them to drive and deepen our dharma practice.

Understanding Self Power & Other Power

Mark Unno explains how giving ourselves over to other power, an idea central to Asian Buddhist thought, can lead us to awakening.

The Dharma of the Second Bell

Rev. Joan Amaral recalls “Operation Bring John Home” — an effort to break through the bureaucracy that kept a married couple apart — while living one’s values and remaining unbowed.

Video Interiview

Meet a Dharma Teacher: Carlo Carranza of Siddhartha’s Intent

Mariana Restrepo talks to Buddhist teacher, translator, and former monastic Carlo Carranza of Siddhartha’s Intent.

Mariana Restrepo & Carlo Carranza

How Buddhist Mandala Offering Practice Works – And Why

Mandala offering, an integral part of the foundation, or ngöndro, practices of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, allows us to harness positive karmic forces through relentless generosity. Loppon Yudron Wangmo explains how these practices help create favorable conditions for spiritual growth and removes obstacles on the path to awakening.

Yudron Wangmo

Ask the Teachers

How USAID Cuts Will Impact Buddhist Countries and Communities

Cuts to USAID will have far-reaching consequences worldwide. Here’s how Buddhist nations, communities, and refugees might be affected.

Mariana Restrepo

An orange sun rises over a mountain range.

Let Us Be Brave

Rev. Blayne Higa on how to bring more light and wisdom to a world where greed, anger, and ignorance threaten to compromise, or even consume, us all.

Rev. Blayne Higa


You’ll find these and much more on the Lion’s Roar YouTube channel.

Book Reviews
Book Reviews & Excerpts

Sacred Places, Sacred Teachings: Following the Footsteps of the Buddha

Read a review of Sacred Places, Sacred Teachings: Following the Footsteps of the Buddha by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen, plus an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Wisdom Publications.

Constance Kassor & Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen

Buddhism: A Journey Through History

Read a review of Donald S. Lopez, Jr.’s new book, Buddhism: A Journey Through History, plus an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Yale University Press.

Constance Kassor & Donald S. Lopez, Jr.

Buddhism A–Z

Learn all about key Buddhist terms, concepts, and traditions in our in-depth glossary — perfect for beginners and committed dharma practitioners alike.