Carlo Carranza

Carlo Carranza has studied and practiced Buddhism for over 24 years, beginning in 2001 with teachings from his main teacher, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, at the University of British Columbia. A monk for 10 years with vows from the 14th Dalai Lama, he is a Siddhartha’s Intent instructor. He has taught internationally, embraced a non-sectarian approach, translated works, and is involved with the Khyentse Foundation’s Milinda Program for Western Instructors.

Recent Articles

Comprendiendo el Ngöndro o las prácticas preliminares del budismo tibetano

Carlo Carranza habla sobre cómo el Ngöndro — las prácticas preliminares del budismo tibetano— funciona como un mapa hacia la iluminación, dándonos instrucciones paso a paso para nuestro viaje en dirección a la liberación.

Understanding the Ngöndro, or the Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Buddhism

Carlo Carranza on how the Ngöndro — the preliminary practices of Tibetan Buddhism — functions as a roadmap to enlightenment, giving us step-by-step instructions for our journey to liberation.