Jill S. Schneiderman

Jill S. Schneiderman

Jill S. Schneiderman is a professor of Earth Science at Vassar College and a 2009 recipient of a Contemplative Practice Fellowship from the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society.

Recent Articles

Bringing Wise Mind to “Mine-golia”

A new post from the Lion's Roar “Earth Dharma” blogger Jill S. Schneiderman about mining practices in Mongolia.

Falling in Love with “Other” Earth

A new "Earth Dharma" column by Jill S. Schneiderman, who urges us to love the earth with support from Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings.

Earth Dharma: What would the Dalai Lama say about fracking?

In her Earth Dharma column, Jill S. Schneiderman aligns the interconnectedness of beings with our shared responsibility for the earth.

This View of Earth: A Call to Attention

A new "Earth Dharma" post by Jill S. Schneiderman about the earthquakes that have been unsettling North America's eastern shore.

Earth Dharma: “Awake in the Anthropocene”

Jill S. Schneiderman encourages Buddhist practitioners to wake up and see the violence that humans are slowly perpetuating on the environment.