John Bussineau

John Bussineau is an author and member of the Jewel Heart Sangha. He is a senior student of the late Gelek Rimpoche (seen here on the right) and teaches Dharma class in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. On Rimpoche’s deathbed in January 2017 he named John and his wife Billie as Jewel Heart’s Ambassadors for Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Animal Rights. John is the author of The Buddha, The Vegan, You, and Meat Our Delusion, publishing in June 2017. John is also chapter leader of Dharma Voices for Animals Detroit-Ann Arbor group.

Recent Articles

Burger Climate

Concerned About the Climate? OK. But What Are You Eating?

There are ways within our means to protect the environment, says Buddhist practitioner John Bussineau — including a plant-based diet.