Judy Lief is a Buddhist teacher and the editor of many books of teachings by the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She is the author of Making Friends with Death.
Judy Lief is a Buddhist teacher and the editor of many books of teachings by the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She is the author of Making Friends with Death.
Judy Lief on what Buddhist wisdom teaches us about stress — where it really comes from, how it manifests, and why we may need it on the spiritual path.
As you age, says Judy Lief, you can discover your true nature — timeless and luminous.
Buddhist teacher Judy Lief explains the Buddha’s deep analysis of the roots of anxiety and shows how mindfulness can help us ease the suffering of an anxious mind.
Desire in the form of attachment is a cause of suffering, says Judy Lief. But if we can take the ego out of desire, we uncover its joyful, sacred wisdom.
On the inbreath, says Judy Lief, take in what is bad, freeing others from it. On the outbreath, offer what is good.
En la inhalación, dice Judy Lief, tome lo que es malo, liberando a otros de él. En la exhalación, ofrezca lo que es bueno.
As many participate in "Dry January" in the wake of party season, we look at the surprising diversity of Buddhist views.
Although enlightenment can seem like an unreachable goal, says Judy Lief, we're actually having glimpses of awakening all the time.
Buddhist teacher Judy Lief explains why our awareness of death is the secret of life.
El Buda dijo que la más importante de todas las enseñanzas es la impermanencia. Y su expresión final es la muerte. La maestra budista Judy Lief explica por qué nuestra consciencia de la muerte es el secreto de la vida. Es su giro último.
Aunque la iluminación puede parecer un objetivo inalcanzable, dice Judy Lief, de hecho estamos teniendo vistazos de ella a cada rato.
La maestra budista Judy Lief explica el profundo análisis del Buda acerca de las raíces de la ansiedad y muestra cómo la presencia mental nos puede ayudar a aliviar el sufrimiento de una mente ansiosa.
When we practice mindfulness of breath, says Judy Lief, we connect to the reality that birth and death are happening in every moment.
It goes a lot deeper than how many times a day you check your phone. According to Buddhist teacher Judy Lief, distraction is the very foundation of ego.
Entre más crecemos en nuestra habilidad para manejar nuestras propias dificultades, más conscientes somos de que no podemos resolver los problemas de nuestros familiares y amigos. Pero, dice Judy Lief, podemos aprender a estar uno con otro tal y como estamos.
The more we increase our ability to deal with our own difficulties, the more aware we are that we can’t solve the troubles of loved ones.
The teachings on lojong, are an invaluable aid to practitioners. They show us how the wisdom and skillful means of the Mahayana can actually be put to use.
Interested in beginning a meditation practice but don't know where to begin? You have a mind, body, thoughts, and a natural bent toward awakening. helpful guidelines for the path ahead of you.
Mucho de nuestro sufrimiento -como individuos y como sociedad- es causado por el miedo. De hecho, de acuerdo al budismo, el miedo se ubica en la mera raíz del ego y del samsara. Cuatro maestros budistas sobresalientes discuten la práctica vital de trabajar con nuestros miedos.
If you find all the bad news overwhelming, Buddhist teacher Judy Lief has some meditations to help you relieve your anxiety.
Making friends with yourself is the ground, path, and fruition of Buddhist meditation, says Judy Lief. It starts by dropping your mask and looking at the real you with honesty and love.
If you’re not trying to get somewhere, says Buddhist teacher Judy Lief, nothing can stop you.
Studying Buddhist teachings is different from learning other subjects. Judy Lief shows you how to read the dharma so that it really changes you.
Using the traditional metaphor of the poison tree, Judy Lief teaches us four Buddhist techniques to work with our anger.
No matter where you begin, says Judy Lief, or whether you are an independent practitioner or affiliated with a particular tradition, all you have to do is to dive in.
When something bad happens to you, it isn’t necessarily the result of your own actions. Judy Lief offers a nuanced understanding of karma.
So much of our suffering—as individuals and as a society—is caused by fear. In fact, according to Buddhism, fear is at the very root of ego and samsara.
We may not be able to stop someone from dying or suffering pain, but we can still help through the honesty, compassion and presence of mind we bring.
Suffering is more than the first noble truth of Buddhism. To see our own and others' suffering is the first step on the path, the birthplace of compassion. Judy Lief offers guidance on the journey.
Judy Lief looks at why generosity is the starting place for virtue.
The spiritual path is like any journey we take into uncharted territory—we need a map, a vehicle, and a guide to reach our destination. Judy Lief takes us on the three-yana journey of Vajrayana Buddhism.