Karen Maezen Miller

Karen Maezen Miller

Karen Maezen Miller is a priest in the Soto Zen lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi and a student of Nyogen Yeo Roshi. In daily life, as mother to daughter Georgia and as a writer, she aims to resolve the enigmatic truth of Maezumi’s teaching, “Your life is your practice.” Miller is the author of Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood, and most recently, Paradise in Plain Sight: Lessons from a Zen Garden.


Recent Articles

Holiday Blues

Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller on enjoying the holiday you’re having, not the one you were hoping for.

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Maezumi’s Three Teachings

Three teachings on meditation passed on from Maezumi Roshi to Karen Maezen Miller.

8 Practical Guidelines for Mindful Parenting

Taking care of the little (and not-so-little ones) can be a challenge, but that doesn't mean that "mindful parenting" has to be an oxymoron. Here then are some simple tips from Karen Maezen Miller.

10 Tips for a Mindful Home

Karen Maezen Miller offers 10 simple tips for a mindful home.

Karen Maezen Miller Happiness New Years Zen

Una bendición de Año Nuevo

La maestra zen Karen Maezen Miller nos ofrece algunas palabras para ayudarnos a comenzar bien el año.