Lawrence Pintak

Lawrence Pintak

Lawrence Pintak is a freelance writer living in Princeton, Massachusetts.

Recent Articles

Gene Smith’s Mission

Lawrence Pintak profiles Gene Smith, the man from Ogden, Utah who single-handedly spearheaded the preservation of thousands of Tibetan texts.

Something Has to Change: Blacks in American Buddhism

Lawrence Pintak tells the compelling stories of three African-American dharma teachers. He asks them why American Buddhism attracts so few people of color and what can be done about it.

Jon Kabat Zinn: The Prescription is Meditation

From the inner city to hospitals and prisons, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s meditation courses are helping thousands handle illness stress, anger and addiction.

Mind at Peace, Body in Balance

A look at healing meditations developed by Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, author of The Healing Power of Mind.