Ross Nervig is the assistant editor of Lion’s Roar magazine.
Ross Nervig is the assistant editor of Lion’s Roar magazine.
AI can articulate the sum total of human knowledge, but can it help us cultivate wisdom and compassion—or is it a danger on the spiritual path? Ross Nervig investigates.
¿Puede la realidad virtual profundizar en la práctica contemplativa? Ross Nervig se coloca un visor y explora la promesa y el peligro de los fascinantes mundos virtuales.
Can virtual reality deepen contemplative practice? Ross Nervig dons a headset and explores the promise and peril of mesmerizing worldscapes.
La IA puede articular la suma total del conocimiento humano, pero ¿podrá ayudarnos a cultivar la sabiduría y la compasión, o es un peligro en el camino espiritual? Ross Nervig investiga al respecto.
Sati-AI is an art project created to support meditators on their journey towards cultivating mindfulness and fostering personal growth. Ross Nervig speaks with its creator, Marlon Barrios Solano.