Category: Books
Sacred Places, Sacred Teachings: Following the Footsteps of the Buddha
Read a review of Sacred Places, Sacred Teachings: Following the Footsteps of the Buddha by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen, plus an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Wisdom Publications.
Readings of the Gateless Barrier
Read a review of Readings of The Gateless Barrier, the new book by of Jimmy Yu (Guo Gu), plus "What Is a Gong-an?", excerpted and shared courtesy of its publisher, Columbia University Press.
Buddhism: A Journey Through History
Read a review of Donald S. Lopez, Jr.'s new book, Buddhism: A Journey Through History, plus an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Yale University Press.
From Eternity to Eternity: Memoirs of a Korean Buddhist Nun
Read Constance Kassor's review of Bulpil Sunim's From Eternity to Eternity: Memoirs of a Korean Buddhist Nun.
Queens Without a Kingdom
In her book "Queens Without a Kingdom Worth Ruling: Buddhist Nuns and the Process of Change in Tibetan Monastic Communities," Chandra Chiara Ehm explores the often-overlooked lives of Tibetan nuns, highlighting the social and institutional challenges they encounter. Read an excerpt, courtesy of Vajra Books.
Diligence: The Joyful Endeavor of the Buddhist Path
Read a review of the new book by Dzigar Kongtrul, and an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
The Five Ranks of Zen: Tozan’s Path of Being, Nonbeing & Compassion
Read a review of Gerry Shishin Wick's new book, plus an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
How to Meditate on the Stages of the Path: A Guide to the Lamrim
Read a review of How to Meditate on the Stages of the Path: A Guide to the Lamrim, and an excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Wisdom Publications
Read “How To Build an Altar in a Cell” from The Inner Path: An Introduction to Buddhist Practice for Those in Prison
Learn about the origins and motivation behind Acharya Samaneti's new dharma book for the incarcerated, read an excerpt, and find ways that you can help support efforts to get books to prisoners.
The Buddha’s Gift to the World: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Roots of Mindfulness
Read a review of Martina Draszczyk's new book, plus an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
Tsongkhapa: The Legacy of Tibet’s Great Philosopher-Saint
Constance Kassor reviews a new collection of perspectives on Tsongkhapa's contributions to Buddhist thought. Included is an excerpt by Thubten Chodron, courtesy of the book's publisher.
What is Development Stage Meditation?
Cortland Dahl explains how this form of meditation "uses the power of the imagination and symbolic imagery to help us tap into our buddha nature." An excerpt from his new book, A Meditator’s Guide to Buddhism: The Path of Awareness, Compassion, and Wisdom.
Storehouse of Treasures: Recovering the Riches of Chan and Zen
Read a brief of Storehouse of Treasures: Recovering the Riches of Chan and Zen by Nelson Foster, and an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
Paranormal States: Psychic Abilities in Buddhist Convert Communities
Read a brief of Paranormal States: Psychic Abilities in Buddhist Convert Communities by D.E. Osto, and an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Columbia University Press.
Excerpt: Seeking the Ox
Read an excerpt of Welcoming Beginner’s Mind by Gaylon Ferguson, courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
Review: Welcoming Beginner’s Mind: Zen and Tibetan Buddhist Wisdom on Experiencing Our True Nature
Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D. on Gaylon Ferguson’s new book and its fresh take on Zen’s famous “10 Oxherding Pictures.”
Buddhadharma on Books: Summer 2024
Constance Kassor reviews the latest in Buddhist books, including The Jhanas, Buddhism Between Religion and Philosophy, and more.
Excerpt: A Dakini’s Counsel: Sera Khandro’s Spiritual Advice and Dzogchen Instructions
Read a brief of A Dakini's Counsel: Sera Khandro's Spiritual Advice and Dzogchen Instructions by Sera Khandro, translated by Christina Lee Monson, and an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Shambhala Publications.
Excerpt: Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland
Read a brief of Nāgārjuna's Precious Garland: Ratnāvalī by Sara McClintock and John Dunne, and an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Wisdom Publications.
Excerpt: The Jhanas, by Shaila Catherine
Read a brief of The Jhānas: A Practical Guide to Deep Meditative States by Shaila Catherine, and an exclusive excerpt courtesy of its publisher, Wisdom Publications.