Category: Teachings
Confessions of a Spiritual Shopper
Don Morreale on checking out the Buddhist scene and finding what’s right for you. (It only took him thirty years to decide.)
Howard Cutler and the Dalai Lama’s Art of Happiness
The Shambhala Sun talks to psychiatrist Howard Cutler about The Art of Happiness, the book based on his series of conversations with the Dalai Lama.
The Power of the Tao Te Ching
Perhaps the most valuable message the Tao Te Ching offers is that when something occurs, it contains within it the seeds of the negative and the positive.
Constant Consciousness
"That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real." Ken Wilber discusses Emptiness.
He Likes to Watch the Trees
According to Barry Boyce, if you start to look at trees more, you start to notice things. Their lordly, meditative pace can slow you down and stop you.
So Who Are You?
"You are not objects out there, you are not feelings, you are not thoughts-lessly aware of all those, so you are not those. Who or what are you?"
Egoless Means More
Egolessness does not mean the absence of a functional self; it means that one is no longer exclusively identified with that self.
Joan Halifax and Her Robe of Many Tears
Joan Halifax reflects on her life of science, stories and spiritual search, and her work now with the great teacher, death.
The Ground of Basic Goodness
The Shambhala Sun is based on a simple, commonplace experience, says Chogyam Trungpa. Noticing it, we discover the basic goodness of our world and our lives as human beings. Cultivating it through meditation, we can cheer up and help others.
The Mahamudra Lineage
Osel Tendzin on Mahamudra and the lineage of Naropa, Marpa & Milarepa.
The Buddhist Teaching of Emptiness
Dainin Katagiri Roshi teaches on the Buddhist concept of emptiness.