Audio: San Francisco Zen Center at fifty

A recording of a discussion on the San Francisco Zen Center between Norman Fischer, Steve Stücky, Susan O’Connell, and Michael Krasny on California NPR.

Lion’s Roar29 August 2012
Audio Forum Michael Krasny News Norman Fischer San Francisco Zen Center Steve Stücky Susan O'Connell Zen
Photo by slightly-less-random.

San Francisco Zen Center celebrates its 50th anniversary this summer, and earlier this week, California NPR station KQED hosted a discussion about Shunryu Suzuki Roshi’s vision for the center, its history, and its plans for the future. Norman Fischer, Steve Stücky, and Susan O’Connell joined Forum host Michael Krasny for the panel, which you can hear below or at KQED’s website.

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