Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is a non-profit media organization offering Buddhist wisdom and mindful living to benefit our lives and create a more caring and just world.

Recent Articles

When we meditate, who or what is meditating?

The teachers are asked "If meditation is ultimately about mind seeing its own true nature, how are we to understand the mind that meditates?"

A Time for Bodhisattvas

It is now time to ask ourselves, “What would a bodhisattva do?,” and let that be our guide and inspiration. Lion’s Roar offers us the wisdom of leading Buddhist teachers, leaders, and activists as we contemplate how to meet a dark time with the compassion, courage, and skill of bodhisattvas dedicated to the welfare of all beings.

The 18th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction has begun! 

The 18th Annual Lion’s Roar Online Auction, our biggest fundraising event of the year, runs November 11th-24th.

Now We Wait

It could be anywhere from hours to days — and possible even longer — before we know the outcome of the most crucial American election of modern times. Wth the future direction of the country at stake, here is some Buddhist wisdom to help us while we wait.