Danny Fisher

Danny Fisher

Rev. Danny Fisher, M.Div., D.B.S. (Cand.), is a professor and Coordinator of the Buddhist Chaplaincy Program at University of the West in Rosemead, CA. He was ordained as a lay Buddhist minister by the Buddhist Sangha Council of Southern California in 2008. In addition, he is certified as a mindfulness meditation instructor by Naropa University in association with Shambhala International. A member of the National Association of College and University Chaplains, he serves on the advisory council for the Upaya Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program.

Recent Articles

Uncovering the meaning of mindfulness: A conversation with Joseph Goldstein

As a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, Joseph Goldstein is one of the best-known teachers of Vipassana meditation in the United States.

wheel of dharma

Journeys: Found in Translation

Danny Fisher reflects on how important learning scriptural languages like Pali has been for engaging his Buddhist practice.

“There Is No Pizza in Nibbana” — Mirka Knaster and Robert Pryor on Anagarika Munindra

An interview by Danny Fisher with the authors of Living This Life Fully, a book reviewed earlier this year in Buddhadharma.

Interview: Sharon Salzberg talks happiness, possibility, Twitter, and more with Danny Fisher

Danny Fisher and Sharon Salzberg discuss mindful twitter, happiness and more.

Frozen Yoga and McMindfulness: Miles Neale on the mainstreaming of contemplative religious practices

Danny Fisher in conversation with Buddhist psychotherapist and meditation teacher Miles Neale about the mainstreaming of mindfulness.