Karen Kissel Wegela

Karen Kissel Wegela

Karen Kissel Wegela, PhD, is a psychologist in private practice and a professor in Naropa University’s MA Contemplative Psychotherapy and Buddhist Psychology department. Her most recent book is Contemplative Psychotherapy Essentials: Enriching Your Practice with Buddhist Psychology.

Recent Articles

What Can I Do About Burnout?

Burnout is the feeling of exhaustion that helpers sometimes experience when they have taken on more than they can handle. But there is much we can do to prevent it, and to work with it when it occurs.

Empty shoes.

How to Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes

Contemplative psychologist Karen Kissel Wegela teaches a practice to help us see difficult people — and ourselves — more clearly.

Meditation & Therapy Working Together

Psychotherapy can be a powerful complement to spiritual practice, supporting our inspiration to develop awareness and compassion.

The “Difficult Person” Exercise

The Difficult Person exercise provides a tool for us to focus on one particular person with whom we are having a hard time.

The Scene of the Accident

In moments of shock we might find that we are suddenly free of our habitual ways of perceiving. These are moments when we might readily tap into our inherent goodness.