Sumi Loundon Kim

Sumi Loundon Kim

Sumi Loundon Kim is the Buddhist chaplain at Yale University and founder of the Mindful Families of Durham. She is editor of the anthologies Blue Jean Buddha and The Buddha’s Apprentices, from Wisdom Publications, and the author of Sitting Together: A Family-Centered Curriculum on Mindfulness, Meditation, and Buddhist Teachings.


Recent Articles

Authentic Love

Sumi Loundon Kim weighs in on seeing and communicating clearly in love and marriage.

Woman and baby

Mindful Parenting, Made Simple

Sumi Loundon Kim offers five doable mindfulness tips for busy parents.

I’m culturally a Christian – but in every other way, a Buddhist

With the Holiday season upon us, Sumi Loundon Kim reflects upon her split religious identity: culturally Christian, devoutly Buddhist.

Sumi Loundon Kim with her husband and children.

How Practice Can Actually Get Better after Having Children

Even in the daily insanity of parenthood, your Buddhist practice can thrive. As Sumi Loundon Kim explains, it's all about how you see it.

The Ultimate Me-Time for New Parents

Sumi Loundon Kim offers two simple practices for parents that can turn your energy around to better connect with your little one.

Gen X, Teachers, Buddhism, Buddhadharma, Lion's Roar

Forum: The Road Ahead

Gen X teachers from across traditions are transforming the vision and landscape of American Buddhism.

Let’s Talk: A Family Affair

Sumi Loundon Kim presents a new model for family-centered dharma communities.

Buddhadharma - Spring '14 Sumi Loundon Kim Teacher

Teachers Are People Too

We want our teachers to practice what they preach, but when we look closely, they can seem just as flawed as the rest of us. Sumi Loundon Kim discovers for herself what’s so special—and so ordinary—about being the teacher.

Why I Quit Facebook

What if our online life gets in the way of our flesh and blood connections? Sumi Loundon Kim on how she cut the wireless tether. (It wasn’t easy.)

Buddhist wedding.

I Married a Monk

Sumi Loundon expects the worst when she and her boyfriend ask his Zen master for permission to marry. But a personal bodhisattva has already intervened.