Susan Piver

Susan Piver

Susan Piver is a Buddhist teacher and the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including The Wisdom of a Broken Heart and Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation. Her latest is The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships. She is founder of The Open Heart Project, an international online meditation community.


Recent Articles

Six Ways to Make It Work

Relationships aren’t easy, says Susan Piver, but if we practice the six paramitas, or transcendent perfections, we can discover how to live in love.

How 3 Buddhist Teachers Work with Difficult Emotions

Working with difficult emotions is a lifelong practice. Three Buddhist teachers open up about their own struggles.

Your Partner Disapproves?

A new meditator’s spouse disapproves of their newfound practice. Susan Piver, founder of The Open Heart Project, answers.

My Partner Disapproves

Susan Piver answers a reader's question about meditation and relationships.

Worried About Worrying

Susan Piver gives advice on working with a mind that can’t stop working over every detail.