photo of Lama Willa Blythe-Baker

Willa Blythe Baker

Willa Blythe Baker is the founder and spiritual director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston as well as its retreat center, Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, in Springfield, New Hampshire. She is an authorized teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, having completed two three-year retreats, and the author of The Arts of Contemplative Care, Everyday Dharma, and Essence of Ambrosia. Her forthcoming book explores the body’s natural wisdom.

Recent Articles

Door to zendo.

Consejos para mujeres con una relación sexual secreta con su maestro budista

Willa Blythe Baker ofrece nueve consejos a las mujeres que mantienen relaciones secretas con sus maestros.

A Meditation to Befriend Your Feelings

How you relate to your feelings, says Willa Blythe Baker, may be the most important habit of all. When you meet your feelings with grace and mindfulness, you find they’re your best friends on the spiritual path.

5 Buddhist Practices to Help Tackle Climate Change

Willa Blythe Baker offers five meditations to help accept the truth of climate change, laying the ground for a skillful response.

“Days of Spring,” 2021. Painting by Yeachin Tsai. © Yeachin Tsai

Los componentes básicos de la pertenencia

Según Willa Blythe Baker, formar una comunidad fuerte y saludable comienza con la comprensión de cómo se construye.

When You Are Ready…

Willa Blythe Baker on the many forms in which our teachers might manifest, including even our body and our community.