Interfaith representatives issue statement on Manchester attack

Representatives from nine faiths have issued a statement condemning Monday’s terrorist attack in Manchester.

Lion’s Roar
24 May 2017

Representatives from nine faiths, including Buddhist chaplain Don de Silva, have issued a statement condemning Monday’s terrorist attack in Manchester, in which a homemade bomb left 22 dead another 59 injured outside of Manchester Arena. The statement has been posted under the support of the Faiths Forum, a platform and channel for communication between faith communities that aims to promote mutual understanding, collaboration and good relations between faith communities and wider society.

It reads:

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the attack; those who have been killed and those who have been injured at the concert in Manchester.

As representatives of nine diverse faith communities, we condemn the terrible attack that has taken place last night.

All of our religions exalt the sanctity of human life, as there is no justification for such a barbaric attack on innocent civilians. Terrorism has no place in our society.

We commend the great resilience and the bravery of the people of Manchester who have pulled together during this difficult time. The swift actions of the emergency services should be commended and praised.

We call for the nation to stand together at this difficult time and to continue to be vigilant to work together for peace, compassion, understanding and hope.


Mustafa Field, Director, Faiths Forum for London
Jasvir Singh OBE, Co-Chair, Faiths Forum for London
Rabbi Natan Levy, Head of Operations, Strengthening Faith Institutions
Leonie Lewis, Director, Jewish Volunteering Network
Don de Silva, Buddhist Chaplain
The Ven. Luke Miller, Faith Sector Panel
Rt Revd Pete Broadbent, The Acting Bishop of London
Rajnish Kashyap, Hindu Council UK
Dr. Deesha Chadha, Hindu Forum of Britain
Koser Shaheen, Association of Muslim Lawyers
Canon Steven Saxby, London Churches Social Action

[See additional signatories as they’re added, here.]

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