Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo turns music into empowerment

Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo is not just known as the incarnation of Padmasambhava’s spiritual consort – she’s also in the music industry.

Lion’s Roar
11 June 2009

Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo is not just known as the incarnation of Padmasambhava’s spiritual consort. These days, Jetsunma has made a name for herself in the music industry.

In 1985, Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo was recognized by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. Almost a decade later, she was acknowledged as being the emanation of the Indian consort.

Recently, Jetsunma produced a CD titled Trilogy, which consists of three songs: “The Promise,” “The Blessings” and “Phowa.” The songs are just a few of many that belong to The Lineage of Queens album, set to be released in September, 2009.

Jetsunma, who is originally from Brooklyn, NY, uses her earthy musical style to free women across the world from life-long inequality and suffering. “[The album] speaks to the lack of empowerment and quality of life that half of the world’s population experiences,” says the singer/songwriter. “In many places, and for a long time, women have been considered property, servants, unequal. Yet the Buddha teaches, and I believe, that all sentient beings—ALL without exception—are equal in their nature and potential.”

You can keep up to date with Jetsunma’s musical work at Jetsunma’s Music.

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