Muslim organization offers meals and robes to Buddhist monks

Earlier this month, the Muslim Social Welfare Group of Mandalay made a powerful gesture of peace by offering robes and meals to about fifty monks at Ma Soe Yein Monastery.

Lion’s Roar
13 August 2014
Muslim Social Welfare Group member with Buddhist monks at Ma Soe Yein Monastery (Photo: Teza Hlaing / The Irrawaddy)

Earlier this month, the Muslim Social Welfare Group of Mandalay made a powerful gesture of peace by offering robes and meals to about fifty monks at Ma Soe Yein Monastery.

The offerings mark the celebration of Eid, an Islamic festival that follows Ramadan. It coincides with Wa Dwin, the rainy season retreat, during which it is customary to present gifts to monks in training. For more about this story, click here.

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