angel Kyodo williams’ New Year’s reflection

rev. angel Kyodo williams shares how we can set the intention to show up for ourselves and the world in 2018.

Lion’s Roar
29 December 2017
angel Kyodo williams

Rev. angel Kyodo williams plans to enter the New Year by reflecting on the last. In this video, she shares how can set the intention to show up for ourselves and the world in 2018.


Rev. angel Kyodo williams: I think that what we want to start the new year with is a reflection, especially this new year that in the United States has been rife with a kind of turmoil. Wherever you stand politically there has been a great deal of a sense of awareness of deep divisions and deep differences in terms of what one’s perspective is about, like, how the world should be, how the country should unfold, whether we should have soft borders, or borders shouldn’t exist at all.

Should we care for people, should we not care for people? And I think spending some time — and I mean a good amount of time — a day of silence a day of you know, at a minimum, a day in which we just turn off the news, turn off the incoming and take a kind of inventory of where we see ourselves and what have been the things that have caused upheaval for us, and where have we found ourselves out of alignment with our values.

Where have we found ourselves kind of caught up in the energy of blame, and finger-pointing and aggression — perhaps ways of thinking that we’ve come to realize are not serving us — and to really actually take the time to take inventory of that and write it down, and take a scan for ourselves, and make a very clear and concerted effort to say “These are the three things that I would like to alter the way I’m showing up in the world,” with, you know, maybe it’s having fights with my family, maybe it’s starting long, you know, blasting arguments on Facebook, but these are the ways in which I would like to alter the way that I’m showing up in terms of being more aligned with the kind of world that I want to create.

Don’t make a plan for the whole year though because that overwhelms us. We should just make a plan for what am I gonna do in the next month that’s in front of me and then we take it from there. That’s my offering to people, that’s what I’m going to be doing myself before the year begins.

Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

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