Review: “The Lost Art of Good Conversation”

We review “The Lost Art of Good Conversation: A Mindful Way to Connect with Others and Enrich Everyday Life” by Sakyong Mipham.

Lion’s Roar
26 September 2017

The Lost Art of Good Conversation

A Mindful Way to Connect with Others and Enrich Everyday Life

By Sakyong Mipham
Harmony Books, 2017; 222 pp., $19.95 (cloth)

We don’t really know how to talk to each other anymore, says Sakyong Mipham. What’s more, in The Lost Art of Good Conversation, the head of Shambhala argues that our existence is diminished by the constant white noise, incessant chatter, and superficial give-and-take of modern day communication. The point of his latest book is that it doesn’t have to be that way. By using the basic principles of the Shambhala tradition—meditation and a sincere belief in our inherent wisdom, compassion, and courage—we can “reconnect with the sun of goodness in our hearts and use speech to awaken naturally good qualities in ourselves and others.” This book is for anyone who wants practical tips on how to be more present in their daily lives—and to learn to speak with others in a way that “moves from simply communicating practical bits of information to celebrating human connectedness, to expressing the inexpressible.”

Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is a non-profit media organization offering Buddhist wisdom and mindful living to benefit our lives and create a more caring and just world.