Video: See more of Samsara

There’s a new trailer out for Samsara, director Ron Fricke’s upcoming sequel, of sorts, to his 1992 masterpiece, Baraka.

Lion’s Roar
30 July 2012

We’ve told you before about Samsara, director Ron Fricke’s upcoming sequel, of sorts, to his 1992 masterpiece Baraka. Now, there’s a new trailer out. Shot on 70mm film in over 25 countries, Fricke calls the film “a guided meditation on the cycle of birth death and rebirth.” Watch the new trailer here:

Samsara premiered at the Santa Barbara Film Festival in February, and it’s set to be released in theaters on August 24. There’s lots more information, including a schedule of screenings, at the film’s website.

The word samsara, Fricke explains, describes “the ever-turning wheel of life.”

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