Video: The Dalai Lama addresses Tibet’s self-immolation phenomenon on “Today”

What does the Dalai Lama thinks about the immolation phenomenon? In a recent Today appearance, Ann Curry asks this question and more.

Lion’s Roar
5 November 2012

There has, of course, been what seems like a never-ending rash of self-immolations in protest to Chinese rule of Tibet; these have been covered ongoingly over at Buddhadharma‘s Buddhadharma News page, with some 60-plus of these deaths taking place since 2009 alone. Seven of them occurred last week alone.

People often wonder what the Dalai Lama thinks about the immolation phenomenon; with so much loss and so little change, have these deaths been in vain? Does he support these acts? How might the rest of us carry on? In the video above, from a recent Today appearance, Ann Curry asks these questions and more.

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