Video: Watch “Jerry Granelli: In the Moment”

A look into the new documentary Jerry Granelli: In the Moment, which looks into Jerry Granelli’s influence on both music and dharma.

Rod Meade Sperry
10 February 2013
Granelli on the cover of his recent solo LP, “1313.”

Legendary drummer Jerry Granelli made a name for himself as a jazz musician at a young age, playing with the Vince Guaraldi Trio at 22, as well as with Carmen McRae, Bill Evans, Sly Stone and many others over his long career. Granelli — who’s featured in Rod Meade Sperry’s look at Buddhist-inspired music in our March 2013 magazine — started studying with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1971. At the time, Jerry thought he was done with music, but he continued with it after Trungpa’s urging. Seventy-one now, he still works as a drummer and teacher of music and meditation.

Filmmaker Colin McKenzie made a very enjoyable documentary, Jerry Granelli: In the Moment, which does a great job of shedding light on its subject — and what his contributions to both dharma and music are. Click through to watch the entire film online here.

Jim Gimian, our publisher and a dear friend of Jerry’s, appears in the documentary. Says Jim, with a laugh:

“I’m pleased we’re presenting Jerry’s work in the magazine, though as his friend I’m surprised he’s lived long enough to see it happen. But seriously: I’ve known him since 1971. He was on the cutting edge of the avant-garde of the American Jazz world then, and his work is just as vital and important now.”

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Rod Meade Sperry. Photo by Megumi Yoshida, 2024

Rod Meade Sperry

Rod Meade Sperry is the editor of Buddhadharma, Lion’s Roar’s online source for committed Buddhists, and the book A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation: Practical Advice and Inspiration from Contemporary Buddhist Teachers. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with his partner and their tiny pup, Sid.