Legendary drummer Jerry Granelli made a name for himself as a jazz musician at a young age, playing with the Vince Guaraldi Trio at 22, as well as with Carmen McRae, Bill Evans, Sly Stone and many others over his long career. Granelli — who’s featured in Rod Meade Sperry’s look at Buddhist-inspired music in our March 2013 magazine — started studying with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1971. At the time, Jerry thought he was done with music, but he continued with it after Trungpa’s urging. Seventy-one now, he still works as a drummer and teacher of music and meditation.
Filmmaker Colin McKenzie made a very enjoyable documentary, Jerry Granelli: In the Moment, which does a great job of shedding light on its subject — and what his contributions to both dharma and music are. Click through to watch the entire film online here.
Jim Gimian, our publisher and a dear friend of Jerry’s, appears in the documentary. Says Jim, with a laugh:
“I’m pleased we’re presenting Jerry’s work in the magazine, though as his friend I’m surprised he’s lived long enough to see it happen. But seriously: I’ve known him since 1971. He was on the cutting edge of the avant-garde of the American Jazz world then, and his work is just as vital and important now.”
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