You’re invited to sign “A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change”

The declarations represents a global Buddhist statement.

Lion’s Roar
25 September 2015
climate change, global warming, buddhism, petition, cop21, lion's roar, one earth sangha
Photo by Mikael Miettinen

In a new post, the One Earth Sangha is inviting visitors to sign a declaration demanding immediate climate action at COP21 (21st Conference of Parties) in Paris at the end of this year. From the post:

Together, with over 5000 Buddhist practitioners, and significant leaders such as the Dalai Lama, the Karmarpa, and Thich Nhat Hanh, we are presenting The Time to Act is Now, A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change, co-authored by David Loy, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi and John Stanley. The declaration represents a global Buddhist statement, and will be presented under the name, “Global Buddhist Climate Change Collective” on November 28th in Paris, when there will a ceremony of all faith based petitions – the total number will be in the millions.

Click here to read the entire post and add your name to the Declaration.

Lion's Roar

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