Bonnie Nadzam

Bonnie Nadzam

Bonnie Nadzam’s most recent novel is Lions. She’s a student in the White Plum Asanga and the mother of twin boys.

Recent Articles

collage of book covers

Lion’s Roar November 2023 Book Reviews

How do we transform suffering into happiness? Bonnie Nadzam surveys new books that are helping to show the way.

Lion’s Roar September 2023 Book Reviews

From simple healing instructions for daily meditation to a scientific theory of complexity and a thoroughgoing investigation into suicidal ideation, Bonnie Nadzam reviews this season’s latest titles.

Lion’s Roar July 2023 Book Reviews

Bonnie Nadzam surveys new books on crisis care, climate change, and deep dharma.

Lion’s Roar May 2023 Book Reviews

Bonnie Nadzam reviews new books that can help us navigate the ups and downs of life—from personal grief to collective rage to the joy of creativity.

Heart to Heart

From Harriet Tubman to narcissism to Appalachian Zen — Bonnie Nadzam reviews new books that are sparking conversation.