Carolyn Rose Gimian

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Carolyn Rose Gimian is a meditation teacher trained by Chogyam Trungpa. She is the editor of Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery, and other teachings by Chogyam Trungpa, including his collected works.

Recent Articles

What is Monkey Mind?

We all recognize monkey mind—that wild mind going in more than one direction at a time, swinging from one branch of thought to the next. It wants the next banana, the next big thing, the next small thing. It wants to keep moving. Monkey mind likes texting and online gaming. It’s the mind that likes…

satisfaction, buddhism, buddha, carolyn gimian, marguerite drescher, liza matthews, rolling stones, happiness, lion's roar, shambhala sun

Your Dissatisfaction is Good News

Carolyn Rose Gimian explains why the experience of dissatisfaction — which the Rolling Stones so aptly described — might be just what we need.

Are We Really Taking Refuge?

Carolyn Rose Gimian reflects on modern-day practitioners’ ambivalent commitment to the three jewels and considers what we might be losing.

The Upside of Money Troubles

Carolyn Rose Gimian reminds us that our difficulties with money are opportunities for working with our mind and strengthening our practice.

Discovering the Power of Basic Goodness

Through the practice of meditation, we stop wasting our energy on neuroses and discover windhorse, the never-ending power of basic goodness.