Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., is the author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships. Working as a science journalist, Goleman reports on the brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times.

Recent Articles

A heart made of painted hands.

The Kindness Instinct

Brain-science writer Daniel Goleman describes how we are hard-wired from kindness—and why that impulse is sometimes short-circuited.

How to Be a Force for Good

Daniel Goleman on how we can follow the Dalai Lama's lead in truly making our world better.

How Meditation Changes Your Brain — and Your Life

Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson tell the story of this revolutionary breakthrough in our understanding of how meditation works.

force for good, daniel goleman, dalai lama, lion's roar, buddhism, emotion, mindfulness, psychology

How to Mind Your Feelings

While we can’t control when we feel anger or fear—or how strongly—we can gain some control over what we do while in their grip.

Making the Right Choice as a Consumer

Daniel Goleman says the key to becoming a socially engaged consumer is to be mindful at the moment we’re deciding whether to buy something. Knowing the full range of its impacts is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and for the Earth.