Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel

Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel

Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel has been a student of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche for almost forty years. Founder of the non-profit The Middle Way Initiative, she is also the host and creator of the Open Question podcast and the author of The Power of an Open Question and The Logic
of Faith

Recent Articles

Inaprehensible, pero no ambigua

Según Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, el Sutra del Corazón, el texto más conocido de la tradición de sabiduría Mahayana, se desarrolla como una conversación de lo más inusual que nos conduce a lo que yace más allá de nuestros conceptos.

Vague? No. Ungraspable? Yes.

According to Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, the "Heart Sutra," the best-known text of the Mahayana wisdom tradition, unfolds as a most unusual conversation that leads us to what lies beyond our concepts.

Are there types of work that are incompatible with Buddhist practice?

Konda Mason, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, and José Shinzan Palma discuss the difficulty of aligning our work lives with our Buddhist values.

Are We Really Meditating?

Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel examines common misconceptions about Buddhist practice that can derail even the most seasoned practitioners.

Why do Buddhists Pray Buddhadharma Lions Roar

An Invitation

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know whom you’re praying to, says Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel. The very act of asking for help allows the heart to open and invite the world in.