Konchog Norbu

Konchog Norbu

Konchog Norbu became a Buddhist in 1990 and ordained as a monk in 1993. Since then, he has overseen communications and media relations for several dharma organizations, authored the widely-read blog Dreaming of Danzan Ravjaa during a four-year stint in Mongolia, and filled his begging bowl on occasion with freelance writing and editing gigs.

Recent Articles

George Saunders

George Saunders shares the Buddhist influence that informed his now-famous meditation on kindness and regret

George Saunders's 2013 convocation address about kindness rang so universally true that it went viral, and then became a book.

George Takei to address “Being Gay, Being Buddhist” seminar

Update: Read "Being Gay, Being Buddhist," George Takei's keynote address at the seminar, on Lion's Roar.

ACLU warns of “religious coercion” in Tennessee bill; Buddhist man in Texas alleges he was fired for refusing to disseminate Bible verses

ACLU is objecting to a Tennessee bill that would allow students in that state to be subjected to unwanted proselytizing in school settings.

Global economics: what would Buddha do?

Can we imagine a Buddhist model for economic organization?

Dalai Lama to Larry King: Same sex marriage OK

The Dalai Lama has no problem with same sex marriage, saying such matters are more the business of government and consenting adults.