Sayadaw U Pandita

Sayadaw U Pandita

Sayadaw U Pandita Bhivamsa is the founder and abbot of Panditarama Meditation Center in Yangon, Myanmar.

Recent Articles

Breaking Life Down to Its Parts

The path to liberation, says Vipassana master U Pandita, is the precise breaking down of life as it unfolds – part by part, step by step, moment by moment.

¿Qué es la meditación Vipassana y cómo se practica?

Instrucciones paso a paso de cómo practicar la Meditación Vipassana de Visión Profunda -el fundamento de todas las meditaciones budistas- del maestro tardío Sayadaw U Pandita.

Inner Victory: How to do Insight meditation and walking meditation

Sayadaw U Pandita on how to develop insight: examining our experience closely and precisely in order to understand the true nature of mind and its objects.

Vipassana meditation.

How to Practice Vipassana (Insight) Meditation

Step-by-step instructions on how to practice Vipassana Meditation ­— the foundation of all Buddhist meditations — from the famed master Sayadaw U Pandita.

Get Very, Very Close

Sayadaw U Pandita’s shares his instructions for satipatthana vipassana.