Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

is a Soto Zen priest, author, and poet. A dharma heir of the late Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the Shunryu Suzuki Roshi lineage, her practice is also influenced by Native American and African indigenous traditions. Her most recent book is Opening to Darkness (Sounds True, 2023).

Recent Articles

To Have and to Hold Each Other

In the wake of the US presidential election result, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel reflects on the ritual of voting and calls for compassion, urging us to honor our shared humanity and the sacredness of life.

El despertar alimentado por la ira

Como maestra de dharma, afirma Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, se nos dice que no debemos sentir ni expresar ira. Ella está en desacuerdo y revela cómo la ira puede ser "revitalizadora e iluminadora" y ayudar a "impulsar una transformación hacia el despertar."

Sweeping My Heart

When Zenju Earthlyn Manuel was assigned to clean the Zen temple, she felt generations of oppression rise in her. Conversing with her ancestors about what this work really meant helped her see how it could be healing.

How should I approach Buddhist chanting?

Chris Jay, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, and Ayya Medhānandī take a closer look at chanting in Buddhist practice.

Awakening Fueled by Rage

As a dharma teacher, says Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, she’s told she shouldn’t feel or express rage, but she disagrees.