The Power of the Tao Te Ching

Perhaps the most valuable message the Tao Te Ching offers is that when something occurs, it contains within it the seeds of the negative and the positive.

I Vow

When we take the precepts of a Bodhisattva, with every one we say, "I Vow." What does this mean?

Constant Consciousness

"That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real." Ken Wilber discusses Emptiness.

A Memorable Ass-chew

In my virginal, pre-ass-chew state, I was thick-headedly oblivious to the danger, my mind racing past that minor detail.

Sympathy for the Devil

Gary Davis was called a devil for the brutal murder he had committed, but on his long journey toward the death chamber, Gary Davis had profoundly changed.

He Likes to Watch the Trees

According to Barry Boyce, if you start to look at trees more, you start to notice things. Their lordly, meditative pace can slow you down and stop you.

So Who Are You?

"You are not objects out there, you are not feelings, you are not thoughts-lessly aware of all those, so you are not those. Who or what are you?"

When Men Were Men

The message is that it's fine for women to stray from sexist roles and play around with life on the other side, as long as we come back to our senses.

The Faith Factor

Mind/Body pioneer Herbert Benson on the health benefits of spirituality.

We Will All take This Journey

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen sits down with Shambhala Sun's Melvin McLeod to discuss illness, loss and spiritual growth.

Egoless Means More

Egolessness does not mean the absence of a functional self; it means that one is no longer exclusively identified with that self.

Meeting in the Darkness

With the people who live with chronic hopelessness and fear, we try to live comfortably in their darkness. And that's the hardest thing of all.

Natalie Goldberg Puts It All Into Words

Writing is where I give everything. I know that when I'm doing sitting meditation, I hold back. Writing is where I put my ass on the line.

rainbow dharma, lgbt, lion's roar, buddhism, shambhala sun

Queer Spirituality

Peter Sweasey discusses sexual identity as help and hindrance on the path towards spiritual discovery.

There’s No Place to Go But Up — bell hooks and Maya Angelou in conversation

A mind-to-mind exchange between Maya Angelou and bell hooks, two important African-American women writers, who care and think deeply about life.

Joan Halifax and Her Robe of Many Tears

Joan Halifax reflects on her life of science, stories and spiritual search, and her work now with the great teacher, death.

The Kosmos According to Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber discusses how to integrate many levels of knowledge from the most concrete to the most etheral into a great unified view of the living universe.

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Shambhala Sun Basic Goodness Buddhism Lion's Roar

The Ground of Basic Goodness

The Shambhala Sun is based on a simple, commonplace experience, says Chogyam Trungpa. Noticing it, we discover the basic goodness of our world and our lives as human beings. Cultivating it through meditation, we can cheer up and help others.

The Mahamudra Lineage

Osel Tendzin on Mahamudra and the lineage of Naropa, Marpa & Milarepa.

Padmasambhava, Bodhichitta, Buddhism, Shambhala Sun, Lion's Roar, Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist Translation

Padmasambhava gives Advice to King Trisong Detsen I

A translated passage in which Padmasambhava gives advice to Trisong Detsen I following the consecration of a construction site.