Buddhadharma Spring 2015 Lion's Roar Buddhism

Inside the Spring 2015 Buddhadharma magazine

The spring issue of Buddhadharma explore our evolving communities, from mindfulness to activism, and looks at our roles as practitioners.

By Lion’s Roar

Buddhadharma Spring 2015 Mindfulness Lion's RoarSangha, or community is one of Buddhism’s Three Jewels — along with the Buddha and the dharma — and much of the current issue of Buddhadharma deals with just that.

Our cover story on the Mindfulness Movement examines the questions around mindfulness and what its popularity might mean for Buddhism: does mindfulness offer Buddhism without ethics? Is it “stealth Buddhism”? Is its efficacy overstated? Four experts offer their insight.

Also in this issue:

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Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is the website of Lion’s Roar magazine (formerly the Shambhala Sun) and Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly, with exclusive Buddhist news, teachings, art, and commentary. Sign up for the Lion’s Roar weekly newsletter and follow Lion’s Roar on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.