New York Times on Jack Kornfield: “one huggable ex-monk”

On Wednesday, T Magazine, the New York Times’ style magazine, ran a profile on Jack Kornfield, the co-founder of Insight Meditation Society and Sprit Rock Meditation Center.

Lion’s Roar
17 October 2014
jack kornfield new york times

On Wednesday, T Magazine, the New York Times’ style magazine, ran a profile on Jack Kornfield, the co-founder of Insight Meditation Society and Sprit Rock Meditation Center. The profile, by academic and journalist Tim Wu, explores Kornfield’s difficult upbringing, his time in Asia, the establishment of Insight Meditation Society, and the inception of “loving-kindness” teachings in the West.

You can read the profile in full at the T Magazine website. Also, venture into our sleek new archives to take a look at Steve Silberman’s Shambhala Sun profile of Kornfield and Kornfield’s own recent Shambhala Sun piece on anti-Muslim violence in Burma, “Buddhists Betray the Teachings.” That article includes a call to action, with information on what you can do and who you can contact in order to make a difference.

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