
How to Do Metta

Jack Kornfield on beginning this time-honored, heart-opening practice.

Jack Kornfield


Making Friends with Ourselves

Being our own best friend is a challenging feat. Kate Johnson explains how meditation can help us get to know our inner critics and prevent them from hindering our path to liberation.

Loving-Kindness: May All Beings Be Happy

Melvin Escobar teaches metta, a concentration practice to cultivate unconditional goodwill for all. In precarious times like these, it’s a way to listen to our hearts.

How to Practice Metta for a Troubled Time

Mushim Patricia Ikeda teaches us how to generate loving-kindness and good will as an antidote to hatred and fear.

Loving-Kindness for All Beings & All Bodies

Metta meditation is healing and heart-opening. Arisika Razak leads us through the practice.

A Practice to Work Through Difficult Thoughts

Lisa Ernst shares a practice to offer kindness to your difficult thoughts.

The Four Highest Emotions

Ayya Khema on cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.

The Power of Tonglen

On the inbreath, says Judy Lief, take in what is bad, freeing others from it. On the outbreath, offer what is good.

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