Lin Jensen

Lin Jensen

Lin Jensen is the author of several books, including Bad Dog! A Memoir of Love, Beauty, and Redemption in Dark Places and Together Under One Roof: Making a Home of the Buddha’s Household. He lives in Chico, CA.

Recent Articles

What a Wall Teaches

Lin Jensen recounts his experience with the ancient Zen practice of wall sitting: what is it about a wall that helps penetrate consciousness? 

Bodhidharma Meditation Your Practice Zen

What a Wall Teaches – Lin Jensen on Zen meditation’s enduring lesson

Author and Zen teacher Lin Jensen tells how meditation's surprising first lesson still resonates with him.

Lin Jensen on the rising temperature of planet earth

Lin Jensen says the rising temperature of the earth is a fever, symptomatic of a pathological infection: the pandemic of human greed.

The Ten Hearts of an Earthworm

They have five pairs of tiny beating hearts. But what really makes earthworms precious, says Lin Jensen, is simply that they exist.