Category: Mindfulness in Your Life
5 Tips for Mindful Journaling
James C. Hopkins on how—through writing—you can find the flow of awareness, free of judgment.
Mindful Cooking with Chef Bryant Terry
How can all communities thrive? Bryant Terry on the importance of cooking mindfully.
How to Establish a Daily Practice of Almost Anything
Whether it’s meditation, yoga, or art, you get more from doing it every day. Follow these six steps to enjoy all the benefits of daily practice.
Holiday Blues
Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller on enjoying the holiday you’re having, not the one you were hoping for.
Nothing Is Wasted
If you use your difficulties to create art, says Ruth Ozeki, it will give them meaning.
Three Questions for Coming Back to Now
Buddhist practitioner Leslie Davis offers three questions you can ask yourself to reel your running mind back to the present moment.
5 Keys to Complete Mindfulness
What are the next steps for understanding complete mindfulness and its comprehensive benefits? Five experts in the mindfulness field explain.
Karen Maezen Miller’s “The Laundry Line” — Coming Home
Karen Maezen Miller's advice on coming back from retreat and finding mindfulness in our daily life.
Watch: Diana Winston Shares Thich Nhat Hanh’s Advice to Bring Mindfulness to Everyday Life
Diana Winston shares a profound quote from the late Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on bringing mindfulness into your everyday activities.
Hello, It’s Halloween
What do you want to be for Halloween? Who do you want to be in life? Ira Sukrungruang on the costumes we wear.
A Mindful Movement Practice for Embodied Awareness
You don’t just practice mindfulness with your mind. You practice it with your body too. Yoga teacher and Buddhist Cyndi Lee teaches us how.
3 Mindful Movement Exercises
Thich Nhat Hanh offers three mindful movement exercises for well-being, "a wonderful way of connecting your mind and body in mindfulness."
Making Friends with Emotional Eating
If you soothe yourself with food, your body and mind are trying to tell you something. Jenna Hollenstein on how to listen with compassion.
Self-Care for Activists
As long as we don’t burn out and give up, we really can change the world. Mushim Patricia Ikeda on self-care for activists.
5 Practices for Nurturing Happiness
Thich Nhat Hanh’s life was inspiring, his benefit great, and his teaching, like the dharma itself, profound and practical. Here, he shares five practices to nurture happiness: letting go, inviting positive seeds, mindfulness, concentration, and insight.
Thich Nhat Hanh on The Practice of Mindfulness
The late Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh teaches five simple exercises to help you live with joy.
Finding Balance Amidst Life’s Demands
There are burdens we can’t put down, says Furyu Nancy Schroeder. That fact is the true heart of our human life.
Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Heal Your Inner Child
Healing the pain of our wounded child within, says Thich Nhat Hanh, is key.
How to Mindfully Eat an Apple
Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung on how the simple act of mindfully eating an apple can bring you many delights.