Buddhadharma cover, "How to be a bodhisattva"

Inside the Fall 2016 Buddhadharma magazine

Look inside the Fall 2016 issue of Buddhadharma, with features on the bodhisattva vow, the late Zenkei Blanche Hartman, rimay, and more.

By Lion’s Roar


The Fall 2016 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly is available now. Below is a preview of what you’ll find in the magazine.

How to Be a Bodhisattva

In Accord with All Time

If you know yourself as the unity of past, present, and future, says Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, then you see you’re right where you ought to be.

Do You Know Your True Face?

Lama Rod Owens says we need to look honestly at who we are, in all our complexity. This is especially vital for those who teach the dharma.

You’re Ready Enough

Wherever you find yourself, says Pema Khandro Rinpoche, that’s the starting point of the bodhisattva path—all you need to do is take that first step.

Forum: Awakening to the Cries of the World

Venerable Pannavati, Anne Klein, and Ejo McMullen on the possibilities and challenges of the bodhisattva path. Introduction by Taigen Dan Leighton.

I Vow Not to Burn Out

Mushim Patricia Ikeda says it’s not enough to help others. You have to take care of yourself too.

A Lifetime of Insight

Jake Davis recalls the legacy of Burmese meditation master Sayadaw U Pandita, including his influence on the Western Insight movement.

This issue of Buddhadharma features artwork by Wang Zi Won. Watch a video of his moving bodhisattva sculpture, above.


Get Very, Very Close

Sayadaw U Pandita’s instructions for satipatthana vipassana.

Open View, Solid Ground

The non-partisan view of rimay, championed by Jamgon Kongtrul, has strongly influenced Tibetan Buddhism in the West. But as Alexander Gardner explains, this view has also been widely misunderstood.



Shaping Buddhadharma’s Future, by Ben Moore


A Gentle Roar: Zenkei Blanche Hartman, by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Ask the Teachers

What if I’m practicing for myself?

Book Briefs

Dream Yoga by Andrew Holecek

Great Doubt by Jeff Shore

Dharma King: The Life of The 16th Karmapa from KTD Publications

Readings of the Vessantara Jataka by Steven Collins

Gods of Medieval Japan by Bernard Faure

Arya Tara Practice Manual by Khenpo Lama Migmar Tseten

The Meditator’s Dilemma by Bill Morgan

The Spirit of Tibetan Buddhism by Sam van Schaik


Threads from My Past, by Carl Hultman

Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is a non-profit media organization offering Buddhist wisdom and mindful living to benefit our lives and create a more caring and just world.