Inside the Fall 2020 Buddhadharma magazine

The Fall 2020 issue of Buddhadharma features in-depth teachings for cultivating your Buddhist practice and manifesting those teachings in everyday life.

By Lion’s Roar

The fall 2020 cover of Buddhadharma. It shows two painters, each on a corner painting murals.

The Fall 2020 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly features in-depth teachings for cultivating your Buddhist practice and manifesting those teachings meaningfully in everyday life. Inside, you’ll find thoughtful commentaries, reviews of the latest Buddhist books, Ask the Teachers, and more.


When Sadness Rages Like Fire

Pema Khandro Rinpoche shares the life of the Tibetan yogi Shabkar, whose practice and teachings were inseparable from loss and grief.

The Enduring Teachings of Suzuki Roshi: The 50th Anniversary of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

To mark the fiftieth anniversary of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi‘s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, we present two teachings from the book, alongside testimonials from Buddhist teachers who were influenced by it.

Turning to the Present Moment of Racism

How do we hold the realities of racism in our hearts, asks Doshin Mako Voelkel, and how do we hold the parts of ourselves that might want to look away?

The Opposite of Grasping Is Intimacy

Where are you stuck? What would it take to get unstuck? Lama Willa Miller explores the idea of “entanglement,” coming to the conclusion that the opposite of attachment isn’t detachment — it’s intimacy.

Waking Up in Dark Times

Ajahn Sucitto reflects on the hopelessness he sometimes feels in the face of climate change, and how practicing in these times is a bit like walking in the dark: intimate, awake, and full of the unknown.

Comparing Mahamudra and Dzogchen

Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (1920–1996) on the differences between Mahamudra and Dzogchen—and the relationship between them.



No One Wakes Up Until We All Wake Up by Tenku Ruff

Ask the Teachers

“What is the Buddhist view of hope? Is it just another delusion that pulls us out of the present moment and causes suffering, or can it also motivate us to work in a way that creates a better future?”

Oren Jay Sofer, Sister Clear Grace, and Ayya Yeshe respond.


Buddhist Magic by Sam van Schaik; Reviewed by Roger R. Jackson

Spacious Minds: Trauma and Resilience in Tibetan Buddhism by Sara Lewis; Reviewed by Katherine King

Book Briefs

Reviews by Joie Szu-Chiao Chen

The Irish Buddhist: The Forgotten Monk Who Faced Down the British Empire  by Alicia Turner, Laurence Cox, and Brian Bocking

Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation through Anger by Lama Rod Owens

A Bigger Sky: Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism by Pamela Weiss

Mindfully Facing Climate Change by Bhikkhu Analayo

The Tara Tantra: Tara’s Fundamental Ritual Text (Tara-mula-kalpa) translated by Susan A. Landesman

Mastering Meditation: Instructions on Calm Abiding and Mahamudra by Choden Rinpoche, translated by Tenzin Gache

The Non-Existence of the Real World edited by Jan Westerhoff

Lion's Roar

Lion’s Roar

Lion’s Roar is a non-profit media organization offering Buddhist wisdom and mindful living to benefit our lives and create a more caring and just world.