The Summer 2019 issue of Buddhadharma is available now. Preview the magazine contents and sample articles below.
Packed and Ready for Whatever’s Next
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offers a fresh teaching on phowa practice and how navigating the various transitions in our lives, including the very small ones, lays a foundation for navigating the much bigger ones when they come.
Reducing Dharma to Exotic Art
Pamela Winfield invites us to consider how we look at dharma art and how we might open ourselves up to the depth that’s really there.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Home at Last
Elise Anne DeVido examines the life and legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhism he planted in the West, and how we can understand it in terms of its Vietnamese origins.
When We Look Deeply
Thich Nhat Hanh on the nature of consciousness.
Acknowledging Buddhism’s South Asian Roots
Vishnu Sridharan points out a blind spot in Western Buddhism — South Asia is exoticized, while Buddhism’s origins in South Asian culture are ignored.
The Ground of Resilience
Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi suggests a path forward, one we can hold to even in the face of great difficulty.
Philanthropy: The New Dana
Some of the most ambitious work in Buddhist communities is being backed by philanthropic institutions. Haleigh Atwood explains where the support is coming from, and who qualifies for it.
How Buddhists Can Benefit from Western Philosophy, by William Edelglass
Ask the Teachers
What kinds of personal changes can we reasonably expect from Buddhist practice? Guo Gu, Sebene Selassie, and Rose Taylor Goldfield respond.
American Sutra by Duncan Williams; Review by Mark Unno
Forging the Golden Urn by Max Oidtmann; Review by Pamela Kyle Crossley
Book Briefs
Reviews by Daigengna Duoer
The Epic of the Buddha: His Life and Teachings, translated by Todd T. Lewis and Subarna Man Tuladhar
Deep Hope: Zen Guidance on Staying Steadfast When the World Seems Hopeless, by Diane Eshin Rizzetto
The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-Modern Tibet, by Berthe Jansen
A Bird in Flight Leaves No Trace: The Zen Teachings of Huangbo with a Modern Commentary, by Master Subul Sunim
Guardians of the Buddha’s Home: Domestic Religion in the Contemporary Jodo Shinshu by Jessica Starling
Satipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide, by Bhikkhu Analayo