Empty boat in water

Empty Graves & Empty Boats

At her grandfather’s grave, Rachel Neumann’s anger erupted, but who was there to yell at in those long-buried remains?

Why Is America So Angry?

When the guy driving the late-model Volvo with a “War Is Not the Answer” bumper sticker gave me the finger, I knew America had taken a wrong turn.

New to the Under 35 Project: “Mindfully Moving Through Pain”

From the Under 35 Project, Scott Lillico shares a short piece on mindfulness, spirituality and reflections on dealing with pain.

Opening Up to a Flash Flood of Sorrow

At certain moments, says author and change consultant Susan Quinn, meditation practice catches her by surprise.

From The Under 35 Project: “Sweet Child”

Here's the latest from The Under 35 Project by Carol Lorton Shilor, about finding clarity in the darkest moments.

From The Under 35 Project: “No Cheating”

From The Under 35 Project: Michael Felberbaum on the harsh and difficult realities of meditation that don't get advertised in pop culture.

From The Under 35 Project: How not to tell a colleague to **** off

A new piece from the Under 35 Project, in which Sarah Maynard tries to be more patient with a disagreeable coworker.

Welcome to Wedgwood

Charles Johnson’s new neighbors had hardly settled in when all hell broke loose — or so it seemed.

After an Unspeakable Crime

Judith Toy recalls her struggle to make sense of the murder of three family members, finding Zen and forgiveness along the way.

My Path with Arthritis

Darlene Cohen shares how she used mindful awareness of her arthritic pain to push beyond her own expectations.

When the Tornado Touches Down

Zen practice stirs up a lot of energy and emotion, says Shozan Jack Haubner, and sometimes it can get downright ugly.

The Hidden Treasure of Anger

Your throat is contracting, your fists are clenching—but don’t deny your anger, says Polly Young-Eisendrath.

Meditators Better Able to Tolerate Pain

Study finds that a group of Zen meditators had a higher threshold for pain—whether meditating or not—compared with a group of non-meditators.

Of Course I’m Angry

As his marriage falls apart, Gabriel Cohen has a chance encounter with Buddhism that shows him the anger is his alone, and serves no one.

Change of Heart

"My heart riffs through a repertory of responses before I can think," says Sylvia Boorstein. But she doesn't mind—she's glad to have a responsive heart.

Strengthening the Will to Live

When we consider the will to live seriously, formulae such as ‘anger is bad, love is good’ become painfully simplistic.

Working With Anger

Working with his own emotions over AIDS and childhood abuse, Gavin Harrison has learned some practical ways to work with anger. Look at it. Feel it. Make friends with anger. Finally, find its wisdom.